Monday, July 31, 2006

It Is What It Is

I start my new job next week. I had a good interview with the wireless company for a corporate training position last week, but they decided to go in a different direction. So, I will be in a sales & marketing position for a leading reseller of copiers and printers. It's not the most sexy or glamorous position, and isn't exactly what I've been looking for. However, I'll take it, and am grateful for it. The manager that I'll be working for is excited about bringing me on board. The recruiter did a good job selling him on me. :-) He also wants me to get to the point where I can be a full-blown outside rep. One step at a time, one day at a time...

Things will come together soon.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Good News

It's been a while since I've posted. It's been one of those periods where a lot has gone on, but nothing has gone on. However, I did get some good news last Friday.

After interviewing for 19 different positions in the last two months, I got a job offer, and accepted. It is in sales and marketing with a worldwide sales agent for copiers and printers, in their Houston office. They want me to start August 7. It is a pretty good opportunity. The district manager is really excited to have me. That's encouraging. It is not real sexy or glamorous, but I've had jobs that were a lot worse. The last two months have been a struggle in so many ways. However, God is faithful. I never doubted that He would provide for us, but I sure questioned the what and when of the deal.

This is good, but something better could be in the works. I had an interview Monday morning for a position with a leading wireless provider as a trainer in their Houston regional office. I have already had an intense phone interview, and will have to do a presentation and a one-hour interview with five different people. They are down to four or five candidates for two positions. This would really be awesome if it worked out. I've been applying and interviewing with this company for different positions in different cities for two years. At this point, we're really grateful that some good things are shaking out for us.

I was reading my last post, and I sounded really depressed. I guess it's because I really was. Things are a little better now.